Category: Vehicle Accidents

How to Feel in Control After an Auto Accident

September 27, 2012  |  Adriel B. Villarreal

You never really expect to get into an auto accident, even though in the back of your mind you know it’s always a possibility. You can be the best driver in the world, follow all traffic rules and be visually attentive but still, one day – wham! You weren’t prepared for this and feel like you have lost all control; now what? Try Not to Panic First, you should remain calm and try your best not to allow stress to take over. It is natural to be in shock at first until you are able to assess the situation. Once you get over your initial reaction, you will be in a better state to see if you have suffered any injuries and if the other driver and passengers have been injured. Even if you were not badly injured, you should give your statement to the police officer reporting on the accident. You should never admit fault to the accident no matter what the circumstances. Simply tell the officer what happened and that’s it. If the other car involved leaves before the police arrive, make sure you write down the make, model and license number of their car. After you get home, be sure to contact your insurance company and give them an account…

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What To Do In Case of a Car Accident

August 21, 2012  |  John T. Buchman

It’s one of those things you don’t like to think about – what to do in case of a car accident – but it’s something you should prepare for so that if an accident does occur, you’re better prepared to deal with the situation. We have put together a simple car accident form that you can download and save to your smartphone or print it out so you can have a copy for your glove compartment. Having this information available could help you know what to do if you are involved in a car accident. Here is the information you’ll find in the form: IN CASE OF A CAR ACCIDENT At the Time of the Auto Accident: Remain calm and call the police. Tell the police officer if you, or anyone involved in the accident was injured. Do not admit fault to anyone at the scene. Try to obtain witness information and license plate numbers if the police cannot make it to the scene. Keep your current insurance card in your vehicle for proof of insurance. Obtain the necessary information from the other driver if applicable (see below). Provide the information necessary to the other driver if applicable (see below). Take photographs of the accident scene or cars involved if possible. After the…

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Motorcycle Riders: Look Carefully at Your Insurance Coverage

April 12, 2012  |  John T. Buchman

Our unseasonably warm weather and early spring certainly has many motorcycle riders out early this year. All motorcyclists should carefully consider their insurance and review their coverage. It’s easy to think that the coverage someone has on their car will be similar to the coverage they have purchased for their motorcycle. However, this is not true in many respects. Under the Minnesota “No-Fault” Law, motorcycles are not defined as “motor vehicles.” Thus, motorcyclists have significantly fewer rights under the No-Fault Act than those who drive cars, trucks, SUVs, etc. Motorcyclists have to pay extra for optional benefits that are required in every automobile policy. For example, motorcyclists have to pay extra for medical expense, wage loss and other similar benefits. A recent Court of Appeals decision has shown another area where some insurance companies have included provisions in their policy that provide less coverage for the dollar than policies provided by other insurance companies. In Farmers Insurance Exchange vs. Eschen; Mike Brown paid for $100,000 in underinsured or UIM coverage for his motorcycle. He was tragically killed when he was hit by a car driven by Gary Arens. Mr. Arens had only $50,000 in coverage. If Mr. Brown had been driving or riding in a car, his family would have received $100,000 in…

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