The Unknown Hero (Eaters)

July 6, 2017  |  Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.

The July 4 holiday has also become known as the Super Bowl of eating with the Nathan’s hot dog eating contest. These contest winners receive fame and fortune to go with their impressively expandable stomachs. But there is an anonymous collection of individuals that move through life without fanfare or profit in their chosen pursuit – these are the marathon eaters. Today, July 6, 2017, Barna, Guzy & Steffen’s own marathon eater Scott Lepak finished his 8 month quest to eat all 31 sandwiches on the Nelson Cheese and Deli menu in Spring Lake Park, Minnesota. When asked why he decided to tackle all of the sandwiches on the menu, Scott said “When I started going here in 1991, I had a Hero no onion once a week every week for two years. I figured I was in a slump by then so I switched to the Mr. T (turkey on a French roll with Baby Swiss, onion, sprouts, guacamole and bacon Dijon mayo). I had one of those once a week every week for the next year. I generally have stayed with the same four over 25 years but decided the other ones looked pretty good so I thought I needed to branch out. Last November, I wondered if anyone had ever…

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