Therapeutic Horses Helping People in Oak Grove: Stable Pathways' Story

June 8, 2016  |  Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.

BGS Legal Administrative Assistant Sarah Thies has been volunteering with Stable Pathways for five years and serves on their Board of Directors.  She became involved with the group after hearing about the need for volunteers to help lead the horses and walk along side the riders.
Stable Pathways is located at Oak Haven Farm in Oak Grove, MN . It provides equine-assisted activities for people living with physical and cognitive challenges under the careful direction of either a Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH) International Certified Instructor or a Minnesota licensed Occupational Therapist.
Sarah says that therapeutic horseback riding helps riders “organize” body and brain. Sarah explained that the horse’s gait is most similar to a human gait so riding provides a connection to a natural rhythmic movement from the horse that stimulated the rider’s body and brain.
Stable Pathways was recently featured in local television programming CTN Coon Rapids. This coverage is a great way for Stable Pathways to promote its mission “to empower, strengthen, and inspire those living with disabilities through horse-assisted activities.” Watch Here